
The “Shoah Memorial Frankfurt” makes the biographies of 13,000 Jews publicly accessible for the first time. These people lived in Frankfurt and were persecuted, deported and murdered, or driven to suicide, during the Nazi regime.
This memorial references the Neuer Börneplatz memorial site and the tradition of laying stones on graves. Each stone represents a biography. A total of 13,000 can be viewed or filtered at varying scales. The data originates from a Jewish Museum Frankfurt research project, and visitors are invited to contribute additional information or pictures to keep the memories alive.

Traditionally left on a tomb or gravestone, a stone becomes a bearer of remembrance and information. The more biographical information, the denser the network of remembrance.
This offer expands the memorial site
and brings it to life digitally

This trauma and this heaviness, it is inside us. No matter what, it's there in the second generation. And it continues into the 3rd and 4th generation.
– Anita Schwarz, daughter of the Holocaust survivor Eva Szepesi
In memory of
people who were persecuted and murdered for being Jewish.